Vegan carrot cake

I stumbled upon a carrot cake mix while grocery shopping. With thanksgiving around the corner, I thought it would be good to bake a cake and share it with my coworkers. I baked my first cake a few weeks prior and it crumpled due to lack of eggs to bind it. This one held up pretty well.

What’s the secret?


Serves 12
  1. Cake mix (22 oz)
  2. Olive oil (2 tbsp)
  3. Apple sauce (8 oz)
  4. Ground flaxseed meal (2 tbsp)


10 min prep / 30 min bake
  1. Grease baking pan
  2. Add 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed meal to 6 tbsp of water. This acts as an egg substitute
  3. Mix well and let it sit for 10 minutes
  4. Mix 2 tbsp oil, 2 tbsp of water, 4 tbsp of apple sauce with vegan carrot cake mix
  5. Add the egg substitute and beat well
  6. Pour the mix on the baking pan and bake for ~33 minutes at 325 F


  1. Calories: ~250 kcal
  2. Carbohydrates: ~38g
  3. Protein: ~4g
  4. Fat: ~10g
Akshaya Shanbhogue Written by:

Akshaya is a blogger who loves animals, travel, tech and food.